DelfMEMS is an associate member of MINALOGIC Cluster

Publié le par DelfMEMS Communication

November, 3, 2009.
DelfMEMS is an associate member of Minalogic Cluster. The company is developping new RF MEMS switching technology to be integrated into Front-End Modules for mobile applications. 

Global competitive cluster Minalogic fosters research-led innovation in intelligent miniaturized products and solutions for industry. Located in Grenoble, France, the cluster channels in a single physical location a range of highly-specialized skills and resources from knowledge creation to the development and production of intelligent miniaturized services for industry. Minalogic has staked out a position as global leader in intelligent miniaturized solutions—a unique hybrid of micro- and nano-technologies and embedded software—from fundamental research to technology transfer. 

Related article (French) - Click here 

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